The Journey to Minimalism


I am a student of life.

And now I find myself studying simplicity.

I am so passionate in mastering it. I am so passionate in living it.

Studying becomes more fun when you find like-minded people who find your interests also interesting.

So for that friend (yes, Tets, this is you 🙂 ) who has the yearning to learn more, let me share the materials I go back to again and again to pick up pieces of wisdom and guidelines on how to live with my enough.

My List

Before I embraced the concept of minimalism, I have been a fan of Leo Babauta’s Zen Habits. I learned a lot from him. From time management, to purging my stuff, to being more meditative, to enjoying simple pleasures in life.

I discovered Tammy Strobel’s blog during one of my life’s turning points (which I have a lot). Her Tiny House motivated me and made me excited in living with intentionality in a small space and yet still living  a full life. I am currently living in a tiny place and am loving it.

I discovered Courtney Carver through Tammy Strobel. Minimalists gravitate toward each other. Courtney has a lot of great projects and challenges which will push your forward to really living a simple life. Last January, I joined her course A Simple Year  which basically discusses minimalist concepts for one whole year. Go check it out.

I am not sure how I found Lois site but I will be always grateful. Her thoughts are very insightful, thought-provoking and motivating. Her projects are amazing and her personality and love of the environment exudes through her words. She also replies and converses to her followers! Her posts are addicting.

Joshua Becker’s journey to the life of minimalism and his insight on the lifestyle is encouraging. He shows minimalism also works even with a growing family.

I have seen their posts in passing several times before but never really found time to read. But when I started with one, I got hooked. Find time to read their books too and watch their videos on Youtube. They are very inspiring not to mention cute (no, I did not say that).

This can be a little too radical for many but I must be crazy because I am dreaming of this, to live a zero waste home. How will it happen, I have no idea. But I am open for possibilities.

Happy learning!

Image : Source

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